I’ve wanted to do a blog section on this site, but have been unsure what direction I want to take it. I want this site to be a positive statement about who I am and what my positions are on the issues. But this is also the age of the internet where everyone has an opinion on everything and it all descends into a Royal Rumble.
So while I want to comment on everything, I prefer to be entertained by the daily hijinks in DC and not get too involved in it. Because about 98% of it is just theatrics and has no actual policy meaning.
Donald Trump’s confirmation hearings this week are one such thing. The incumbent of my district, Karen Bass, gave this Facebook Live video where she fully tore into Trump. She claimed “the shoe is on the other foot now”after all Trump’s theatric attempts to undermine Obama in the past few years.
So let me get this straight. An elected official has every right to sink as low into mudslinging as a private citizen does? This is somehow a right and not something you want to rise above?
And this is where I wasn’t sure I even wanted to post on this. Because the confirmation hearings are pure Royal Rumble hijinks. But it’s so characteristic of where the Democrats have been for so long. Donald Trump may have done his share of mudslinging but he also campaigned on a lot of issues. But the Democrats were so busy trying to tear him down with mud, they never got around to offering their difference on policy.
And this is why I’m so fed up with the incumbent in my district that I want to run against her. I don’t see her offering anything to my district. She’s just parroting all the Democratic party talking points. Which at this point, are nowhere beyond mudslinging.